1 August, 2024
August 2024 Astrology Main Image
August 2024 Astrology Main Image

Sassy Astrology Club: August 2024 – Powerful Portals And Transformations

1 August, 2024
August 2024 Astrology Main Image

Want to keep the good vibes rolling? Our August 2024 astrology forecast covers everything from powerful portals to fiery transformations, ensuring you’re prepared for all the cosmic drama. Here are our predictions…

How is it August already? Time sure flies when you’re dodging bad vibes! This month, we’re in for a whirlwind of fiery Leo energy, powerful portals, and yes, a Mercury retrograde that promises to turn even the calmest among us into meticulous nitpickers. But don’t fret; this is the perfect time to grab your crystals, get ready for some celestial surprises and start manifesting your dreams. Read on for all the cosmic updates!

Jump To:
What Leo Season Brings
How The Lion’s Gate Portal Can Reboot Your Life
We’re Not Done With Retrogrades
Mars, Jupiter, Venus And Saturn Collide
August 2024 Astrology: Other Important Dates

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August 2024 Astrology Leo Season

What Leo Season Brings

We start the month with Leo season, where the cosmos turn up the volume on creativity and self-expression! As the Sun saunters into Leo, it’s time to swap those inward Cancer vibes for the heart-centered energy of the lion. This season is all about remembering who you truly are – before the world tried to fit you into its mould. It’s your cosmic cue to stoke your inner fire, start creative projects and let your joy be your guide. Think “dance like nobody’s watching” because Leo season wants you to celebrate life in all its glory. Leo season also invites you to reconnect with your inner child’s lightheartedness and enthusiasm. It’s a golden opportunity to empower others simply by being your authentic self. In short, this is your time to honour your need to feel seen without relying on external approval. Ready to roar?

If all this sounds a bit exhausting, don’t worry. Once the Sun moves into Virgo on 22 August, our attention can shift to our well-being, encouraging us to adopt healthy rituals that nurture our mind, body and soul. So, enjoy the Leo fun while it lasts!

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August 2024 Astrology Lion's Gate Portal

How The Lion’s Gate Portal Can Reboot Your Life

August 2024’s astrology also brings us the Lion’s Gate Portal. This annual celestial event celebrates the rising of Sirius, the brightest star in the sky (and once again, we’re not talking about Sirius Black from Harry Potter). Sirius, our spiritual Sun, reappears after weeks of being hidden by the Sun’s bright rays, symbolising a stronger connection with our soul. We celebrate on 8 August because of the powerful numerology: the number 8 represents infinite possibilities, and the double 8 sets the stage for transformation.

So, what’s so special about this Lion’s Gate 88 Portal? The combination of Leo’s fiery energy and the potent numerology of 88 makes it the prime time to rebirth your spirit and maybe even reboot your life. It’s the perfect opportunity for healing and letting go of old wounds, freeing you from any grief or sadness. Additionally, it’s an ideal time to start the new creative or tech endeavour you’ve been considering.

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August 2024 Astrology Retrogrades

Wait…We’re Not Done With Retrogrades!?

Yep, we’re sorry to say it, but Mercury is going retrograde again! Starting on 5 August, it kicks off in Virgo, turning us all into nitpicking perfectionists. This is the cue to dig deep into your subconscious and face those thoughts and feelings you’ve been avoiding. It might feel like you’re searching for the perfect answer – spoiler alert: it might not exist! Then, on 14 August, Mercury moonwalks into Leo, adding a bit of fire to the retrograde mix. This shift will make us reflect on what’s blocking our joy and likely slow us down, urging us to practice some much-needed patience. With the rollercoaster of energy and emotions swirling around, remember to take a deep breath and let this retrograde guide you to some inner clarity.

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August 2024 Astrology Mars, Jupiter, Venus And Saturn Collide

The Cosmic Rollercoaster: Mars, Jupiter, Venus And Saturn Collide

Keeping the momentum going, 13 August is set to bring a power boost when Mars conjuncts with Jupiter in Gemini. Think of it as an espresso shot that expands Mars’ warrior energy, filling us with fearless confidence and a surge of motivation. It’s the perfect time to finally express what we’ve been holding back. However, Mars’ impulsiveness means we need to tread carefully – spontaneous outbursts or hasty decisions could lead to major regrets. Note to self: Don’t send that heated email just yet!

From 13-20 August, the cosmic drama intensifies with a T-Square involving Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn. This configuration creates tension that can feel like a pressure cooker. Venus will highlight relationship dynamics while Saturn imposes boundaries and lessons, making us feel like we’re navigating an obstacle course. Expect power struggles and heated emotions to bubble up. Jupiter’s optimism can help us see the bright side, but patience is crucial – let all the information come to light before taking action. It’s a rollercoaster, but hang tight, the ride will be worth it!

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August 2024 Astrology Important Dates

August 2024 Astrology: Other Important Dates

  • 4 August – The Leo New Moon ushers in a new lunar cycle ripe with potential for new beginnings, though it may also bring a need for introspection. Also, with Venus moving into Virgo, this transit brings a critical yet feminine energy, making it an ideal time to focus on health, wellness and achieving greater balance in one’s life.
  • 19 August – The Aquarius Full Moon brings unsettling yet awakening energies that can stir change and flux, but also open the mind and heart to new possibilities amidst the uncertainty.
  • 21 August – The Sun’s alignment with the Royal Star Regulus brings in a powerful day of heightened energy, success and the opportunity to cultivate greater compassion and connection to the divine.
  • 22 August – As the Sun moves into grounded Virgo, this season offers the opportunity to cultivate healthy habits, connect inwardly and unlock the innate wisdom within to navigate life’s challenges.
  • 27 August – As the month winds down, the Venus-Uranus trine brings a refreshing sense of freedom, confidence and inspiration to make positive changes and express one’s true self within relationships.
  • 28 August – After a prolonged retrograde period, Mercury’s direct station brings gradual clarity and insights that can inform more confident decision-making, provided one remains attuned to their intuition during this transitional phase.
  • 29 August – As Venus enters its ruling sign of Libra, the month ends on a graceful, creative and forgiving note, as we’re encouraged to indulge our senses and let go of resentments.

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Main image courtesy of Sassy Media Group, image 1 courtesy of Yan Krukau via Pexels, image 2 courtesy of RDNE Stock project via Pexels, image 3 courtesy of Eugene Lisyuk via Pexels, image 4 courtesy of Itai Aarons via Unsplash, image 5 courtesy of Alice Alinari via Unsplash.

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