15 October, 2015
Eat & Drink

Otto Lounge – Candy-Flavoured Shisha and Divine Drinks

15 October, 2015

Now I’m no shisha connoisseur, but when it comes to candy bars and cocktails, I’m pretty well versed. Otto Lounge, a fourth-floor bar overlooking Hard Rock Café in the heart of LKF, has combined all three to create a menu with some pretty exciting flavours. Gummy bear shisha?! Yes please.

First Impressions

As a Brit, I find it impossible to sit indoors on a balmy September evening (back home, we’re well into scarf season by now) so Otto Lounge’s breezy balcony was the obvious choice. The hum of LKF’s bustling streets makes for a nice back drop, but in my opinion some more comfortable seating, both inside and out, would make it easier to relax.

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The Drinks

First up was Otto Lounge’s signature Hook Up cocktail – a blend of strawberries, mint and coconut rum. A little too strong on the coconut for myself, but sizeable cocktails with a definite kick for $80 can’t be complained about.

Next was the Flaming Queen Bee – a mammoth glass of rum, fruit and, rather unusually white peppermint. All with a topping of fire as it arrives at your table! How exciting. Unfortunately, with only one friend for support on a Tuesday evening, we were very much beaten by the Flaming Queen Bee. Come Friday night, however, I’m sure we could give it a better shot.

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The Shisha

Otto Lounge are currently the only Hong Kong shisha bar to use Lavoo hookahs. Hand made in the US, the unique low-lying, horizontal design of Lavoo hookahs promise a smoother flavour. Plus, it solves the issue of awkwardly hanging off your chair to converse with your pals whilst the shisha pipe towers between you.

We tested the chocolate mint flavour first, as recommended. Chocolatey indeed. In fact, as a die-hard chocaholic, it was quite difficult to stop. Thankfully I was saved from myself, and we swapped to blueberry. More fruit-smoothie than fruit-cocktail, it was a welcome, refreshing follow-up after my chocolate shisha binge.

By this point I had had my fill of shisha – but I would have liked to try the cocktail flavours (margarita freeze, anyone?). Otto Lounge also offer traditional Eastern shisha flavours, for those of you who don’t fancy dabbling in the world of candy bars and cocktails.

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The Verdict

If you need to take a break from the madness of LKF, and shisha is up your street, then pop up to Otto Lounge and test out their exciting flavours. Shisha clocks in at $220, with unlimited coal top-ups, and ladies can enjoy free flow vodka mixers every Thursday night from 8-11pm.

Otto Lounge, 4/F, 15-16 Grand Progress Building, Lan Kwai Fong, Central, Hong Kong, www.ottolounge.com6627 7499

Featured image via www.facebook.com/OttoLounge

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